Ode on a Grecian URL

Friday, September 09, 2005

Let me get to know you

The first hebdomadal topic is available below.

It's fun to get to read and talk about books, it's always good to learn from others' worldviews, but for me the thing that makes teaching eternally worthwhile is getting to know, and to work with, you guys. I'm not being (merely) a sappy schmuck when I tell you that I really, really enjoyed meeting you Friday morning and that I'm excited about our opportunity to work together this semester.

It'll take me a couple weeks to memorize your names, so please be patient with me. I'll be using those index cards with your names like flash cards to memorize with whom, exactly, I can gossip about the OC.

If you would like to help me along in this getting-to-know-you process, I'd love for you to stop by my office hours on Wednesday morning (9 to 11 am at the Steep & Brew).

If that's not an especially convenient time slot for you, consider sending me an email to say hello. I'd love to hear more about you than you had a chance to write on the index card -

I'm really looking forward to getting to know more about you!
:: posted by Mike, 1:15 PM