Ode on a Grecian URL

Monday, January 16, 2006

Averages: generally meaningless but nonetheless compelling

Grades for both exams.
Distribution of grades on the midterm (blue) and final (red) essays. As I believe I mention below, my grades on the final exams were statistically a bit low; the grade distribution you see here is slightly corrected.

Grades for both essays.
Distribution of grades on the first (blue) and second (red) essays.

On a related note, the average for the second essay was 88.1; the average grade of those who collaborated on this essay was 92, the average for non-collaborators was 87. This isn't a statistically significant result, but it does give an anecdotal hint at how working closely with others can help you.

Grades overall.
Distribution of final class grades. This distribution was slightly high, but Prof. Ortiz-Robles seems to have let that pass.
:: posted by Mike, 7:10 PM