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Monday, October 09, 2006

Hebdomadals: grading / graded

See below for the most recent hebdomadal assignment.

I have finally caught up with grading all the hebdomadals, hebdominals, hebdomables and hebdomidals I have received this semester. If you have not heard back from me about one of your hebdomadals let me know forthwith.

Here is how hebdomadal grading currently works. I have a three-tier system -- check minus, check, and check plus. After a bit of math, I have settled on the following score breakdowns:The average grades so far are hovering around 1.7 -- which means about half of you are in the minus category and half of you are in the check category. Although these numbers look concrete, I reserve the right to treat hebdomadal grades a little bit more fluidly at the end of the semester if you demonstrate marked improvement.

If you are interested in knowing your hebdomadal grade so far you're welcome to shoot me an email.
:: posted by Mike, 5:23 PM