Ode on a Grecian URL

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Hebdomadal 9

Topic 1: Narration and narrative in The Moonstone
In our conversation about The Moonstone last Friday, we noticed that the book -- or the first narrator, at any rate -- discussed at great length its own creation. Pick either a moment in which a narrator discusses his or her own narration or a moment in which a narrator comments on one of the other narrators and closely read that moment to develop a detailed answer to this question: Why is this novel so preoccupied with its own creation?
Topic 2: Asking questions of a detective story
The Moonstone is, we could say, a novel of questions. Still, there are questions asked by the novel and then there are questions we can ask of the novel. Look back at the first topic of the first hebdomadal and use its structure to develop a question that you would ask about the text that does not concern the plot, or at least doesn't concern the plot as plot.
:: posted by Mike, 7:25 AM